Translation of "Masters" in Hungarian

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Examples of using "Masters" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

Observe the masters.

Figyeld a mestereket!

Dogs have masters, cats have servants.

A kutyáknak gazdái, a macskáknak szolgái vannak.

Chuck Norris has already met Columbo's wife, Robin Masters and Tom.

Chuck Norris találkozott már Columbo feleségével, Robin Masters-zel és Tommal.

Turning the challenges of winter to their advantage, they have become true masters of these long northern nights.

A téli kihívásokat saját előnyére fordítja, és a hosszú téli éjszakák alatt mesteri ügyességgel boldogul.

- Everyone ought to be a master of his own destiny.
- People should be the masters of their own destinies.
- Everyone ought to be the master of his own destiny.

Minden embernek saját sorsa urává kell válnia.