Translation of "Steadfast" in French

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Steadfast" in a sentence and their french translations:

He remained steadfast to his principles.

Il est resté fidèle à ses principes.

He is pioneering, loyal and steadfast and brave.

Il est pionnier, loyal, inébranlable et courageux.

She did not seem afraid, and her grave, steadfast eyes looked straight ahead.

Elle ne semblait pas avoir peur, et ses yeux graves et inébranlables regardaient droit devant elle.

But the steadfast bodyguards held their ground and managed to rally around their leader!

Mais les gardes du corps inébranlables ont tenu bon et ont réussi à se rallier autour de leur chef!

- "Fourteen nymphs are in my service, surpassing in comeliness, of whom Deiopea, the most beautiful, I will unite in steadfast marriage to you and declare her your own; that in exchange for such benefits she may dwell with you all her years, and make you the father of beautiful offspring."
- "Twice seven nymphs have I, beautiful to see; / one, Deiopeia, fairest of the fair, / in lasting wedlock will I link to thee, / thy life-long years for such deserts to share, / and make thee parent of an offspring fair."

" Douze jeunes beautés ornent ma cour brillante ; / Déiope, la plus jeune et la plus séduisante, / unie à vos destins par les nœuds les plus doux, / acquittera les soins que j'exige de vous ; / et d'Éole à jamais la compagne fidèle / un jour lui donnera des enfants dignes d'elle. "