Translation of "Roaring" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Roaring" in a sentence and their french translations:

The lion is roaring.

Le lion rugit.

The stag is roaring.

Le cerf brame.

The bullet train came roaring past.

Le train à grande vitesse passa en rugissant.

We heard tigers roaring in the distance.

Nous avons entendu des tigres rugir au loin.

- The lion is roaring.
- The lion roars.

Le lion rugit.

The stag is roaring in the forest.

Le cerf brame dans la forêt.

The poet was sitting alone in his own little room on a very stormy evening; the wind was roaring outside, and the rain poured down in torrents.

Le poète se tenait assis, seul dans sa petite chambre, un soir de grande tempête ; le vent rugissait au dehors et la pluie tombait en torrents.

"Safe could Antenor pass th' Illyrian shore / through Danaan hosts, and realms Liburnian gain, / and climb Timavus and her springs explore, / where through nine mouths, with roaring surge, the main / bursts from the sounding rocks and deluges the plain."

" Anténor, de la Grèce affrontant la furie, / a bien pu pénétrer dans les mers d'Illyrie, / a bien osé franchir ce Timave fameux / dont l'onde impétueuse, en torrents écumeux, / par sept bouches sortant et tombant des montagnes, / court d'une mer bruyante inonder les campagnes. "