Translation of "عبوره" in English

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Examples of using "عبوره" in a sentence and their english translations:

بحيرة أو نهر عليهم عبوره ،

a lake or a river that they have to cross,

وتوقع أنه سوف يلحق آتيلا قبل عبوره نهر السين

arrived. He predicted that he will catch up  to Attila before he could cross the Seine,  

كان يعلم أنه بمجرد عبوره نهر الدون، سيلتزم جيشه وعليه القتال

He also knew that once he crossed the Don, his army would be committed and had to fight

كان على معرفة كاملة بالتضاريس التي سار خلالها بالفعل بعد عبوره

He was familiar with the terrain he  had already marched through after  

بنيت طريقًا قويًا جدًا لدرجة أن المركبات الصغيرة يمكنها عبوره بأمان.

have constructed a road so strong that small vehicles can pass through safely.

هو عبوره لنهر الراين لشن الحرب على الرومان، والآن هي فرصته ليهزمهم.

it was he who crossed the Rhine to wage war on  the Romans. Now was his chance to defeat them.