Translation of "تُرى" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "تُرى" in a sentence and their english translations:

في الأماكن التي تُرى والتي لا تُرى،

in the places that are seen and unseen,

‫تُرى هل هذا يستحق الفحص؟‬

I wonder if that's worth just checking out.

‫نادرًا ما تُرى أو تُصور...‬

Rarely seen, let alone filmed...

‫في لحظة ساحرة نادرًا ما تُرى.‬

in a rarely-seen moment of magic.

‫تُرى هل هذا يستحق الفحص؟‬ ‫هيا نذهب لإلقاء نظرة!‬

I wonder if that's worth just checking out. Come on, let's have a look!

‫نادرًا ما تُرى ولم تُصوّر تحت الماء من قبل.‬

Seldom seen, and never before filmed underwater.

‫نادرًا ما تُرى،‬ ‫قليل من الناس يعلمون بوجودها حتى.‬

Rarely seen, few people know they exist.