Translation of "Clinton" in English

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Examples of using "Clinton" in a sentence and their english translations:

CLINTON: Quizás nunca podremos entenderlo por completo.

CLINTON: Perhaps we may never fully understand it.

Dijo que Bill Clinton subiría los impuestos.

He said Bill Clinton would raise taxes.

El pueblo americano eligió al Sr. Clinton presidente.

The American people elected Mr. Clinton President.

Y te involucraste con la campaña de Hillary Clinton.

and got involved in the Hillary Clinton campaign.

En esa época, Clinton era el gobernador de Arkansas.

Mr. Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time.

La energía excitante de Clinton ha hecho que la gente le acepte y conecte con él

President Clinton's Excite energy had people accept him and connect with him

Bill Clinton habló en términos ambiguos cuando le pidieron que describiera su relación con Monika Lewinsky.

Bill Clinton spoke in ambiguous language when asked to describe his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Los presidentes George H. W. Bush y Bill Clinton decidieron que era tanto en Estados Unidos y los

Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton decided that it was in both America and the

Sobre Hillary Clinton, ella todavía no puede satisfacer a su esposo. No olvidamos cómo dijo que satisfaría a toda América

About Hillary Clinton, she can not yet satisfy her husband. We did not forget how he said he would satisfy the whole of America