Translation of "Aproximan" in English

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Examples of using "Aproximan" in a sentence and their english translations:

Los cartagineses se aproximan sin oposición.

The Carthaginians close in unpposed.

Los rusos y austríacos se aproximan desde el este.

The Russian and Austrian are approaching from the east.

Pero conforme se aproximan a su objetivo deseado, los romanos van a la ofensiva.

But as they approach their intended target, the Romans go on the offensive.

Luego él mueve su línea cerca de 1 km hacia los romanos que se aproximan.

He then moves his main line about 1km towards the approaching Romans.

Quienes se aproximan a la edad de jubilación pueden elegir si seguir trabajando o dejarlo.

Those approaching retirement age have the choice of working or not working.