Translation of "Cerca" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Cerca" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estuvo cerca.

- That was a close shave.
- That was close.

Está cerca.

It's close.

Estaré cerca.

I'll be around.

Estábamos cerca.

We were close.

Viven cerca.

They live nearby.

Mantente cerca.

Stay close.

Estoy cerca.

I'm close.

- Vive cerca de aquí.
- Vive aquí cerca.

He lives near here.

- Vive aquí cerca.
- Ella vive cerca de aquí.

She lives nearby.

¡Eso estuvo cerca!

That was a close one!

Aún más cerca.

and even closer still,

Estuvo muy cerca.

It was really close.

Ellos viven cerca.

They live nearby.

Ese estuvo cerca.

That was a close shave.

Vive aquí cerca.

She lives nearby.

Tom vive cerca.

Tom lives nearby.

Está muy cerca.

It is very near.

¿Vivís acá cerca?

- Do you live near here?
- Do you live around here?

¡No tan cerca!

Not so close!

¡Guau!, estuvo cerca.

Wow, that was close.

Estás tan cerca.

You're so close.

Tom permaneció cerca.

Tom stayed close.

Estamos demasiado cerca.

We're too close.

Me quedaré cerca.

I'll stay close.

Solamente quédate cerca.

Just stay close.

Inclínate más cerca.

Lean in closer.

Están muy cerca.

- They are too close.
- They're awfully close.

Quédate cerca mía.

Stay close to me.

Están demasiado cerca.

They are too close.

Él vive cerca.

He lives close by.

¿Está aquí cerca?

Is it near here?

¿Tom está cerca?

- Is Tom around?
- Is Tom nearby?

- Sí, está cerca.

- Yeah, it's close.

- Un tigre aparece aquí cerca.
- Cerca hay un tigre.

A tiger appears near here.

- Dondequiera esté, está cerca.
- Dondequiera que esté, está cerca.

Wherever it is, it's close.

- Ellos los estudiaron de cerca.
- Los estudiaron de cerca.

They studied them closely.

- Vivo cerca del trabajo.
- Vivo cerca de donde trabajo.

I live near where I work.

- ¿Me puedo sentar cerca de ustedes?
- ¿Puedo sentarme cerca de vosotros?
- ¿Puedo sentarme cerca de vosotras?

May I sit next to you?

- Viven cerca del colegio.
- Ellos viven cerca de la escuela.

They live near the school.

- Viven cerca de la playa.
- Vive cerca de la playa.

They live near the beach.

- ¿Hay un servicio cerca de aquí?
- ¿Hay un baño aquí cerca?
- ¿Hay un baño cerca de aquí?

Is there a toilet near here?

cerca del 80 % reportó,

nearly 80 percent reported

Hay una hembra cerca.

There's a female close by.

cerca de la autopista.

near the motorway was searched.

Cerca de Hannover. - Okey.

From near Hanover. - Okay.

Este cliente vive cerca.

This customer lives nearby.

El aeropuerto está cerca.

- The airport is close at hand.
- The airport is close by.

Hubo un incendio cerca.

A fire broke out nearby.

¿La tienda está cerca?

Is the store near at hand?

Viven cerca del colegio.

They live near the school.

Vive por aquí cerca.

He lives in this neighborhood.

Vive cerca de aquí.

He lives near here.

Vivo cerca del dique.

- I live near the dike.
- I live near the levee.

¿Vive cerca de aquí?

Does he live near here?

¿Hay un teléfono cerca?

Is there a telephone near by?

Vivimos cerca de ella.

We live near her.

Mi apartamento está cerca.

- My apartment is near here.
- My apartment is near.

Mira desde más cerca.

Look closer.

Estoy cerca del puente.

I am close to the bridge.

Estás muy cerca ahora.

You're very close now.

El amanecer está cerca.

It's nearly dawn.

Él brincó la cerca.

He climbed over the fence.

La estación está cerca.

- The station is near at hand.
- The station is nearby.

El final estaba cerca.

The end was near.

Acampamos cerca del río.

We went camping near the river.

¿Hay una farmacia cerca?

- Isn't there a pharmacy nearby?
- Is there a pharmacy nearby?

Tom subió la cerca.

Tom climbed the fence.

Tom pintó la cerca.

Tom painted the fence.