Translation of "Ноевы" in English

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Examples of using "Ноевы" in a sentence and their english translations:

Сии трое были сыновья Ноевы, и от них населилась вся земля.

These three are the sons of Noah: and from these was all mankind spread over the whole earth.

В сей самый день вошел в ковчег Ной, и Сим, Хам и Иафет, сыновья Ноевы, и жена Ноева, и три жены сынов его с ними.

- In the selfsame day Noe, and Sem, and Cham, and Japheth, his sons: his wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, went into the ark.
- In the selfsame day Noah, and Sem, and Cham, and Japheth his sons: his wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, went into the ark.