Translation of "Cetro" in English

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Examples of using "Cetro" in a sentence and their english translations:

O cetro não se apartará de Judá, nem o bastão de comando de seus descendentes, até que venha aquele a quem ele pertence, e a ele as nações obedecerão.

The sceptre shall not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of nations.

"Do litoral de Troia se avistava / Tênedos, ilha que ficou famosa / e prosperou sob o troiano cetro / (hoje não passa de inseguro ancoradouro); / os gregos para lá se transferiram, / na retirada costa se escondendo."

"In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle / renowned and rich, while Priam held command, / now a mere bay and roadstead fraught with guile. / Thus far they sailed, and on the lonely strand / lay hid,"

E mais o cetro que ostentara outrora / Ilíone, de Príamo a mais velha / das filhas, e um colar de pérolas perfeitas, / e uma coroa de ouro cravejada / de pedras raras. O expedito Acates / prontamente aos navios se dirige.

Therewith the royal sceptre, which of yore / Ilione, Priam's eldest daughter, bore; / her shining necklace, strung with costly beads, / and diadem, rimmed with gold and studded o'er / with sparkling gems. Thus charged, Achates heeds, / and towards the ships forthwith in eager haste proceeds.

Ânio, que o cetro de regente ostenta / e o sacerdócio exerce, as têmporas cingidas / do loureiro febeu e de ínfulas sagradas, / ao nosso encontro vem, e, o velho amigo Anquises / reconhecendo, hospitaleiro nos aperta / as mãos e nos conduz ao seu palácio.

King Anius here, enwreath'd with laurel spray, / the priest of Phoebus meets us on the way; / with joy at once he recognised again / his friend Anchises of an earlier day. / And joining hands in fellowship, each fain / to show a friendly heart the palace-halls we gain.

Com tremendo ribombo da montanha, / os ventos rugem irritados, pressionando / as obstruídas portas da prisão. / Éolo, empunhando o cetro, está sentado / em levantado trono, as iras moderando / e os excitados ânimos contendo. / Não fosse ele, por certo os ventos impetuosos / levariam consigo águas, terras e o céu / profundo, dispersando-os pelo espaço.

- Those indignant winds grumble with a loud murmuring around the confines of the mountain; Aeolus sits in his high citadel, holding his scepter, and he soothes their spirits and tempers their rages: if he did not do this, they would surely snatch away seas and lands and the deep heaven itself, and sweep them off through the windy sky.
- They, in the rock reverberant held fast, / moan at the doors. Here, throned aloft, he reigns; / his sceptre calms their rage, their violence restrains: / else earth and sea and all the firmament / the winds together through the void would sweep.

Em resposta, diz Éolo: “A ti, rainha, / cabe o trabalho de buscar o que desejas; / a mim cumpre somente executar / os teus mandados. Deste-me este reino / (se assim posso chamá-lo) e me garantes / este cetro e o favor de Júpiter supremo; / dás-me o direito de participar / dos banquetes dos deuses e me fazes / senhor das nuvens e das tempestades.”

- Aeolus spoke thus in reply: "It is yours, O queen, to express what you wish; my task is to obey your commands. You grant me control over this kingdom, such as it is, the scepters and Jupiter; you allow me to recline at the feasts of the gods, and to hold the power of the clouds and the storms."
- "Speak, Queen," he answered, "to obey is mine. / To thee I owe this sceptre and whate'er / of realm is here; thou makest Jove benign, / thou giv'st to rule the storms and sit at feasts divine."