Translation of "Rugalmas" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Rugalmas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom rugalmas.

Tom is flexible.

Rugalmas vagyok.

I'm flexible.

Rugalmas a beosztásom.

I have a flexible schedule.

Rugalmas gondoskodásúnak kell lenni.

You must be flexible in your thinking.

Mennyire rugalmas a napirended?

How flexible is your schedule?

A testem már nem olyan rugalmas, mint régen.

- My body is not so flexible as it used to be.
- My body isn't as flexible as it used to be.

Az egyes feladatok közti átkapcsolásért, valamint a rugalmas gondolkodásért.

to switch back and forth between doing different tasks and to think flexibly.

Minket és rugalmas agyunkat folyamatosan alakít a környező világ.

You and your plastic brain are constantly being shaped by the world around you.

Kitűnően alkalmasak a fa átrágására. A rugalmas ujjnak más szerepe is van.

Perfect for gnawing through wood. That flexible finger has another part to play.