Translation of "Emma" in English

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Examples of using "Emma" in a sentence and their english translations:

Emma louche.

Emma is cross-eyed.

Marie va dormir chez Emma.

Mary sleeps at Emma's home.

Elle a prénommé sa fille Emma.

She named her daughter Emma.

Mais deux semaines plus tard, Emma est tombée malade.

Two weeks later though, Emma got ill.

Quelquefois il apparaissait tout à coup derrière Emma, tête nue.

Sometimes, he appeared suddenly behind Emma, bare-headed.

En 2006, quand j'avais huit ans, ma sœur Emma est née.

In 2006, when I was eight years old, my sister Emma was born.

Peter et Emma sont juste amis. Il n'y a rien entre eux.

Peter and Emma are just friends. There's nothing between him and her.

Champion du monde de cyclisme sur piste Emma Hinze ou l'Ironman Sebastian Kienle, la

track cycling world champion Emma Hinze or Ironman Sebastian Kienle,