Translation of "Complice" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Complice" in a sentence and their english translations:

- La nuit est mon complice.
- La nuit est ma complice.

The night is my accomplice.

La nuit est mon complice.

The night is my accomplice.

Il lui sourit avec un regard complice.

He smiled to her with knowing glances.

Les policiers disent qu'ils savent que vous aviez un complice.

- The police say they know you had an accomplice.
- The police say they know that you had an accomplice.

En faisant un clin d’œil comme si on était complice de quelqu'un...

winking as if you found out someone's shenanigans, like that.

1. L’auteur d'un crime international ou son complice est personnellement responsable et encourt une sanction.

1. The perpetrator of an international crime or his accomplice is personally liable and incurs a penalty.

Délit, soit de favoriser la fuite ou d’assurer l’impunité des auteurs ou complice du crime

offense, either to promote escape or to ensure the impunity of the perpetrators or accomplice of the crime

« Le complice d’un crime ou d'un délit est punissable de la peine réprimant ce crime ou ce délit.»

"The accomplice of a crime or offense is punishable by the punishment of that crime or offense."