Translation of "Yarn" in Turkish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Yarn" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

Cats like yarn.

Kediler ipliği sever.

Cats like playing with yarn.

Kediler iplikle oynamayı sever.

Yarn is spun from different fibers.

İplik farklı liflerden eğrilir.

This yarn feels soft to the touch.

Bu iplik dokununca yumuşak hissettirir.

The striped cat is playing with red yarn.

Tekir kedi kırmızı iplikle oynuyor.

The best yarn is that spun by hand.

En iyi iplik elle bükülendir.

Tom's cat is playing with a ball of yarn.

Tom'un kedisi bir yumak ile oynuyor.