Translation of "Hand" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Hand" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

They went hand in hand.

- Ellos iban de la mano.
- Ellos iban tomados de la mano.

They all go hand in hand.

ambas van de la mano.

In bitter hand-to-hand combat.

en un amargo combate mano a mano.

Do you walk hand in hand?

¿Ustedes caminan de la mano?

- Hand it over.
- Hand it over!


They completed the picture hand in hand.

Ellos cooperaron para terminar la pintura.

The couple is walking hand in hand.

Los dos caminan cogidos de la mano.

- It's second-hand.
- It is second-hand.

Es de segunda mano.

I worked hand in hand with him.

Él y yo trabajamos en cooperación.

- She raised her hand.
- He raised his hand.
- He held up his hand.

Levantó la mano.

Theory and practice should go hand in hand.

Teoría y práctica deberían ir a la mano.

Industrialization often goes hand in hand with pollution.

- A menudo la industrialización va a la mano con la contaminación.
- Muchas veces la industrialización viene acompañada de la contaminación.

John and Mary always walk hand in hand.

John y Mary siempre caminan de la mano.

On one hand,

Por un lado,

Raise your hand.

Levanten la mano.

Grab my hand.

- Agarra mi mano.
- Agarre mi mano.

Shake my hand.

Dame la mano.

Hand it over!


Take my hand.

Toma mi mano.

Remember the hand.

Recuerden la mano

Hand it over.

Regresá esto.

Hand them over.


Fame and success don't always walk hand in hand.

La fama y el éxito no siempre van de la mano.

- Hand me the knife.
- Hand the knife to me.

Pásame el cuchillo.

I watched John and Mary walking hand in hand.

Vi a John y a Mary andando agarrados de las manos.

- Tom held Mary's hand.
- Tom was holding Mary's hand.

Tom le dio la mano a Mary.

- She has injured her hand.
- She injured her hand.

Se dañó la mano.

- Help us.
- Lend us a hand.
- Give us a hand.

- Ayúdanos.
- ¡Ayúdanos!

On the other hand,

Por otra parte,

Keep your hand raised,

Dejen la mano levantada,

Just raise your hand.

Levantad la mano

The hand of God,

La mano de Dios.

Raise your right hand.

- Alza tu mano derecha.
- Alce su mano derecha.

No, it's second hand.

- No, es de segunda mano.
- No, es usado.

She took my hand.

Ella cogió mi mano.

He caught her hand.

El le agarró la mano a ella.

Hand in your papers.

Entreguen sus hojas.

Tom squeezed Mary's hand.

Tom apretó la mano de Mary.

Tom raised his hand.

Tom alzó su mano.

Hand me the wrench.

Pásame la llave.

What's in your hand?

¿Qué tienes en la mano?

Hand me the remote.

- Pásame el mando de la televisión.
- Pásame el mando a distancia.

Tom kissed Mary's hand.

Tom le besó la mano a María.

John's hand is clean.

La mano de Juan está limpia.

Put your hand down.

Bajá las manos.

Hand me my towel.

Pásame mi toalla.

He touched my hand.

Me tocó la mano.

He grabbed her hand.

Él le agarró la mano.

She raised her hand.

Ella levantó la mano.

Give me your hand.

Dame la mano.

Hand me my mug.

Tráeme mi taza.

Tom kissed my hand.

Tom me besó la mano.

Raise your left hand.

Levanta la mano izquierda.

I need hand lotion.

Necesito crema para las manos.

He raised his hand.

- Levantó la mano.
- Él alzó la mano.

And first hand accounts,

y cuentas de primera mano,

I need a hand.

Yo necesito una mano.

Just take my hand.

Dame la mano.

Hand me a towel.

Alcanzame una toalla.

Lend me a hand.

- Dame una mano.
- Préstame una mano.

Keep your hand still.

No muevas la mano.

He shook my hand.

Él me dio la mano.

Give us a hand.


Jim raised his hand.

Jim levantó la mano.

She's scratching her hand.

Ella se está rascando la mano.

Hand it to me.

Pásamelo a mí.

He gripped my hand.

Me apretó la mano.

He kissed my hand.

Me besó la mano.

Hand me the letter.

- Entrégueme la carta.
- Dame la carta.

Hand me that broom.

Dame esa escoba.

Dan bandaged his hand.

Dan vendó su mano.

Hand it to him.


We'll lend a hand.

Echaremos la mano.