Translation of "Mountaintop" in Turkish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Mountaintop" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

Imagine yourself on a mountaintop.

Kendini bir dağın zirvesinde düşün.

Access to the mountaintop is difficult.

Dağın zirvesine erişmek zordur.

It is difficult for you to climb to the mountaintop.

Doruğa tırmanman zordur.

To see the sunrise from a mountaintop is a delight.

Bir dağ zirvesinden güneş'in doğuşunu izlemek bir zevk.

You can get a fine view of the sea from the mountaintop.

Dağın zirvesinden güzel bir deniz manzarası alabilirsin.

Tom stood on the mountaintop and confessed his love of Mary to the sky.

Tom dağda durdu ve Mary'ye olan sevgisini gökyüzüne itiraf etti.