Translation of "Sephora" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Sephora" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

And Moses was content to dwell with the man. And he took Sephora his daughter to wife.

Moisés aceitou o convite e concordou também em morar na casa daquele homem; este lhe deu por mulher sua filha Séfora.

Immediately Sephora took a very sharp stone, and circumcised the foreskin of her son, and touched his feet, and said: A bloody spouse art thou to me.

Imediatamente, Séfora, pegando uma faca de pedra, cortou o prepúcio do filho e com ele tocou as virilhas de Moisés, declarando: Tu és meu esposo de sangue.

And the king of Egypt spoke to the midwives of the Hebrews: of whom one was called Sephora, the other Phua, commanding them: When you shall do the office of midwives to the Hebrew women, and the time of delivery is come: if it be a man child, kill it: if a woman, keep it alive.

O rei do Egito deu a seguinte ordem a Sefra e a Pua, parteiras dos israelitas: Quando assistirdes as mulheres hebreias no parto, prestai atenção ao nascer a criança: se for menino, matai-o; se for menina, deixai-a viver.

He took Sephora, the wife of Moses, whom he had sent back, and her two sons, of whom one was called Gersam: his father saying, I have been a stranger in a foreign country. And the other Eliezer: For the God of my father, said he, is my helper, and hath delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh.

Moisés tinha mandado de volta Séfora, sua mulher, e Jetro, sogro de Moisés, a acolheu junto com os dois filhos. Um se chamava Gérson, porque Moisés havia dito: "Tornei-me um hóspede em terra estrangeira"; o outro se chamava Eliezer, pois Moisés havia dito: "O Deus de meu pai veio em meu socorro e salvou-me da espada do faraó".