Translation of "Softly" in Polish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Softly" in a sentence and their polish translations:

[softly] Pretty cool to see.

Fajnie ją zobaczyć.

[softly] Good decision on the fire.

Dobra decyzja w sprawie ognia.

[softly] Oh man, look. These all just smashed...

Spójrzcie! Wszystko rozbite...

- Keep your voice down.
- Speak quietly.
- Speak softly.

Mów ciszej.

Okay, let's go gather some more ferns. [softly] Wow.

Chodźmy zebrać więcej gałęzi.

- Keep your voice down.
- Keep your voice down!
- Speak quietly.
- Speak softly.

Mów ciszej.

Okay, so you want me to dig to try and get the tarantula out? [whistles softly] Here we go.

Więc mam kopać, by wydobyć ptasznika? Do dzieła!