Translation of "“it" in Polish

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "“it" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Touching it, feeling it, tasting it.

Dotyka tego, sprawdza, smakuje.

- Come off it!
- Leave it!
- Drop it!
- Come off it.

Daj spokój!

Test it, weight it, commit to it.

Sprawdź, dodaj ciężaru, idź.

- Stop it!
- Stop it.


- Forget it.
- Forget it!

- Nie ma mowy!
- Zapomnij o tym!
- Nie ma o czym mówić.
- Zapomnij!

- It stinks.
- It stinks!

- Śmierdzi.
- To śmierdzi.

- Take it!
- Take it.

Weź to.

- Leave it!
- Leave it.

Zostaw to!

It was worth it.

Było warto.

- When it rains, it pours.
- It never rains but it pours.

- Nieszczęścia chodzą parami.
- Kiedy pada, to porządnie.

- Forget it.
- Forget about it.

- Zapomnij o tym.
- Zapomnij.

It is restful, isn't it?

To uspokaja, czyż nie?

It wasn't Tom, was it?

To nie był Tom, prawda?

It sounds incredible, doesn't it?

Brzmi niesamowicie, prawda?

- Leave it alone!
- Leave it!

Zostaw to!

- It snowed.
- It was snowing.

Padał śnieg.

- Like it?
- You like it?
- Do you like it?

Podoba się?

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
- Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Nie szukaj dziury w całym.

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Nie naprawiaj tego, jeśli nie jest zepsute.

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Think about it!

Pomyśl o tym.

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.
- Stop that!
- Stop it!


Stamp it down. Fill it in.

Dociskam, zakopuję,

- You've done it!
- You've done it.

Udało ci się!

Now it rises, now it sinks.

To wznosi się, to opada.

- Check it out!
- Check it out.


- Hand it over.
- Hand it over!

- Daj mi to.
- Oddawaj.
- Oddawaj to.

- It was horrible!
- It was horrible.

- To było okropne.
- To było straszne.

- Stop that!
- Stop it!
- Quit it!


I hope it was worth it.

Mam nadzieję, że było warto.

- Give it back!
- Give it back.


- Do it quickly.
- Do it quickly!

Zrób to szybko!

- You've done it!
- You made it!

Udało ci się!

- I did it.
- We did it.

- Udało się.
- Zrobiliśmy to.

It tastes very good, doesn't it?

Smakuje bardzo dobrze, nie?

- I oppose it.
- I'm against it.

Jestem przeciwko.

- Think about it.
- Think about it!

Pomyśl o tym.

- Take it easy!
- Take it easy.


- It doesn't matter.
- It doesn't matter!

- Nieważne.
- Nie szkodzi

Forget it. It's not worth it.

Daj spokój, nie warto.

- It was freezing!
- It was freezing.

Ależ było zimno!

It looks like snow, doesn't it?

Chyba będzie śnieg, prawda?

- I did it.
- I made it.

Udało mi się.

- It seems logical.
- It seems reasonable.

Wydaje się uzasadnione.

- Please stop it.
- Please stop it!

Prosze przestań!

- I lost it.
- I've lost it.

- Zgubiłem to.
- Zgubiłam to.

It wasn't me. It was Tom.

To nie byłem ja. To był Tom.

- Keep it.
- Keep it to yourself.

- Zatrzymaj to sobie.
- Zatrzymaj to dla siebie.

- Deal with it!
- Deal with it.

- Pogódź się z tym.
- Poradź sobie z tym.

- It snowed yesterday.
- Yesterday it snowed.

Wczoraj padał śnieg.

- So be it.
- So be it!

- Niech tak będzie.
- Dobra.

- Let's do it.
- Let's do it!

Zróbmy to.

It may succeed? It will succeed!

Może się udać? Uda się!

It was nice while it lasted.

Było miło, ale się skończyło.

- We made it.
- We've made it.

Udało nam się.

- I found it!
- I found it.


- It sounds easy.
- It sounds simple.

Brzmi łatwo.

- It was inevitable.
- It was unavoidable.

To było nieuniknione.

- It didn't work.
- It wasn't working.

To nie działało.

- I use it.
- I'm using it.

Używam tego.

- We found it.
- We've found it.

Znaleźliśmy to.

And see? It feels like it might make sense, doesn't it?

Wygląda na to, że to wszystko ma sens!

- It is windy today, isn't it?
- It's windy today, isn't it?

Wietrzny dzień, czyż nie?

- I thought about it.
- I've considered it.
- I have considered it.

Myślałem o tym.

- We succeeded!
- We did it!
- We made it.
- We've made it.

- Udało nam się!
- Udało się.
- Zrobiliśmy to.

Got it.

Mam go!

Got it!

Mam go!

It strikes.


It works.

To działa.

It snowed.

Padał śnieg.

Beat it.


Eat it.

Zjedz to.

It depends.

To zależy.

Keep it.

Zatrzymaj to.

Leave it.

Zostaw to.

Replace it.

Wymień to.

Memorize it.

Zapamiętać to.

Loosen it.

Poluzowałeś to.

Examine it.

Zbadaj to.

It stings.

To szczypie.

Remember it.

Zapamiętaj to.

That's it.

To jest to.

It rained.


Drop it!

Rzuć to!

Fuck it.

Pieprzyć to.

It worked.


Damn it!

- Cholera!
- Do licha!

It failed.

- Nie powiodło się.
- Nie udało się.

Ignore it.

Nie zwracaj na to uwagi.

Hold it!

Trzymaj się!