Translation of "Sustain" in Japanese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Sustain" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

I sustain my family.


If you lose your ability to sustain concentration,


Heavy posts are needed to sustain this bridge.


Can never sustain the high levels of social cooperation

現代社会が繁栄するために必要とする 高度な社会的協業を

And then this will sustain them through the winter.

これで冬の間も 持ちこたえられる

In order to sustain the love for silence that I cultivated internally,

私が内に養った 静けさを愛することを 維持するためには

That you really don't need much of anything else to sustain you.

自分を維持するものが それほど必要なかったんです

The bridge couldn't sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed.


- I sustain my family.
- I am supporting my family.
- I'm supporting my family.
