Translation of "Mental" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Mental" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Is a mental action.


To discuss teenage mental health.


But it is mental warfare.

でも 精神的な戦いです

His mental development was slow.


His trouble was chiefly mental.


Mental health is also important.


But, how about mental health care?


87% of us have mental illness.


And so improve our mental health.

メンタルヘルスを 改善するものと信じます

Your mental age is too low.


Tom is good at mental math.


Mental health challenges are not going away,


He has endured physical and mental pain.


We need mental skills, not manual ones.


And furthermore the mental and emotional boundaries.


What are the mental gymnastics you pull


My student was in a mental health hospital.

その生徒は精神病院に 入院していたのです

To help other students with mental health challenges.

今は メンタルヘルスを患う若者の 支援をしています

So since mental health affects all of us,

誰もがメンタルヘルスの影響を 受けるので

Are at serious risk of developing mental illnesses,


Mental health is as important as physical health.


Air traffic controllers are under severe mental strain.


The emigrants have endured physical and mental pain.


You should take account of his mental condition.


Mental exercise is particularly important for young children.


I had a mental blow at that time.


He isn't smart enough to do mental arithmetic.


Mental illness even manifests itself in some physical ways,

精神疾患は 体の不調として

We also wanted to prioritize mental health in schools.

学校生活で心の健康が 優先されるよう働きかけました

Or how to respond to a mental health crisis?


And we were at high risk of mental illness.


A high forehead is indicative of great mental power.


An empty stomach doesn't help on the mental front.


His mental level is higher than the average boy's.


I'm on a par with him in mental faculties.


I choose the clarity, that it is mental gymnastics,

私は明確さを選びます 精神修行として

- His trouble was chiefly mental.
- His illness was mainly psychological.


Lying related to sexual psychology development, mental stability and knowledge.


In the surprising science of where the mental brakes are.

驚くべき科学の成果から 幾つかのアイデアをご紹介しました

And looking at that little mental spider doing its work


And we set out to end the stigma against mental health.


My involvement with her left me a physical and mental wreck.


Of course, if this is all about economizing language and mental energy,

つまり 言葉を省き 心理的エネルギーを使わないためには

That while not everyone has a diagnosed mental illness like I do,

全員が 私のように精神疾患と 診断されるわけではありませんが

With the help of some lobbyists and a few mental health professionals,

数名のロビイストや メンタルヘルスの専門家の助けを借りて

And not everyone wants to take drugs to treat mental health conditions.

誰もがメンタルヘルスの治療に 薬を飲みたいとは限りません

And I was in mental conflict with myself as I was lost.

どうしたらいいんだろう?という風に すごく自分に葛藤していました

They were more likely to refer patients to a mental health consultation,


But I am somehow taking on the mental challenge this time too.

でも今回も 何とかなる精神で チャレンジしてみたんです

And I've also had clients tell me that their mental health is improved.

クライアントもまた バレエによって 心の健康が改善したと言います

We're developing a program that will help young adults with severe mental illness

共同で開発した 重症の精神疾患を持つ 若者向けプログラムで

That physical and mental health are equal and should be treated as such.

主要概念が背景にあるので 下院法案2191は特別です

And forever how I thought about the mental aspect of how we perform.

人の行動のメンタル面に対する 私の考えを永遠に変えたのです

You’re going to need to know how to put on the mental brakes.

心のブレーキのかけ方を 知る必要があるでしょう

What if I was trained in seventh grade how to manage my mental health

もしもメンタルヘルスについても 学ぶことができていたら

I choose to shine a light on the mental prison that is my polygamy.

私を精神的に閉じ込めていた監獄である 一夫多妻制に光を当てることを選びます

I'm here today to offer you some insight into the world of teenage mental health:

今日は10代の若者の メンタルヘルスについての現状と背景

When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.


So think about that emotion, the one I had you file away in your mental Rolodex.

では 先ほどの話で 私が皆さんに与えた感情は

Much of our daily living must consist of routine that requires little or no mental effort.


The main point of Dennett's book, in short, is to deny the existence of inner mental states.


In such cases, adults should not scold them instantly, but be patient with them, considering their mental growth.


Do you have a mental health problem? You're always following me around. You're an adult so be more independent.


I'm going to a training camp tomorrow. However it's not the physical side that I'll be training, but the mental.


But in many ways, the bird called Alex is unusual, for it has shown the kind of mental abilities that scientists once thought only humans had.


The word "house" evokes the mental image of a rectangular building with a roof and smoking chimney, which may be surrounded by grass and trees and inhabited by a happy family.


About 50 percent of the firms in Japan have acknowledged the necessity of giving their workers longer holidays, and think summer holidays are needed to give their workers both mental and physical refreshment.


- He doesn't have enough brains to do sums in his head.
- He isn't smart enough to do mental arithmetic.
- He isn't smart enough to add up numbers in his head.
- He's not smart enough to add numbers in his head.

- 彼は暗算をするほど頭が良くない。
- 彼は暗算が出来るほど頭が良くない。
- 彼は暗算が出来るほどの頭脳を持ち合わせていない。