Translation of "Launch" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Launch" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

launch of Apollo 11.

アバナシーの 約束で終わりました 。

Of the launch countdown.


Since their launch in 1912,


The first two minutes from launch


But how to launch this new controversy?

この新しい論争を どのように起こせるでしょう?

Interesting ways to launch new shows, too.

新しい番組を生み出した 先駆けでもあります

He is planning to launch his business.


Not die during a rocket launch or in orbit.

ロケットの打ち上げ中や軌道上で死亡 し ませんでした。

They are going to launch an artificial satellite tomorrow.


I decided to launch a personal experiment back in Norway.

地元ノルウェーで個人的な実験を することにしました

Their children, arrived at Cape Kennedy to protest the launch.


This change actually resembles the launch of a mission to Mars.

この変化は火星への道行と 似たところがあります

We want to launch this thing and fly it down safely.


The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.


The fact that we are connected allows us to launch a controversy

私たちが繋がり合っていることで 新しい論争を起こすことが可能になり

And if you wanna launch into a new mission, choose "Next Episode."

次の任務を始めたいなら “次のエピソード”を

At launch, the capsule was pressurised with a safer oxygen-nitrogen mix.


As launch preparations were made, around 150 people, mostly African American mothers and


NASA Administrator Thomas Paine met with the protestors the evening before the launch.


For the journey would need an impossibly huge rocket to launch into space.

に打ち上げるために信じられないほど巨大なロケットを必要とします。 フォンブラウンは、 小さなロケットに

To launch any co-ordinated attacks on Wellington’s position until late in the day.


Button to launch men to the moon tomorrow, then we would not push that button.’


I'm going to lay it out here, launch it and just run straight off the cliff

ここに敷いて放って― がけを走って下りる

The British and French have agreed to launch a joint offensive in the summer of 1916.


And had a re-launch pad to whatever it was that I wanted to do next.

次にやりたいことは何でもやれるという 新たなスタートの土台ができました

But losses were so heavy, that the Russian army was unable to launch any more major operations.

しかしロシア軍の損害も大きく、 これ以降大規模作戦を行なうことが出来なくなった

The launch, which had been scheduled for this morning, was postponed because of the illness of shuttle Commander John Creighton.


The design was also given the finishing touch to have launch impact and dynamism provided by the novelty of the arch shaped logo design.
