Translation of "Interviewed" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Interviewed" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

She was interviewed for jobs.


He interviewed the suspect today.


I was interviewed for a job.


And because of this I was interviewed on NPR,

僕はNPR(ナショナル・パブリック・ラジオ)から インタビューを受け

So we interviewed them all six months after the dose,

そこで 投薬の6ヶ月後 全ての患者にインタビューを行い

He was interviewed for the job, but couldn't get it.


He was the first man I interviewed for the job.


I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment.


And I've interviewed a lot of founders for tech start-ups,

テクノロジーのスタートアップ創始者を インタビューしたからです

The woman whom they interviewed yesterday has been given the job.


And I set out and interviewed dozens of brave and unusual hosts --

また 気概溢れる 一風変わった 様々な「主催者」に話を聞きに行きました

Several years ago, in the course of being interviewed for a job, I was introduced to a competitor for the position.


I was given a scare by a doctor I interviewed for the TV program who warned me not to rest easy just because I had no allergic symptoms at the moment.

- 私はテレビ番組のために会った医者にギクリとさせられた。彼は、今アレルギーの症状がないからといって気楽に構えていてはいけないと警告したのだ。
- テレビ番組向けにインタビューした医者に、今私にアレルギーがないからと言って安心してはいけないと注意され、ギクッとした。