Translation of "Rely" in Hungarian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Rely" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- You can rely on him.
- You can rely upon him.

- Rábízhatod magadat.
- Megbízhatsz benne.

You can rely on her.

Támaszkodhatsz rá.

Don't rely on his help.

Ne reméld a segítségét.

You can rely on me.

Bízhatsz bennem.

My children rely on me.

A gyerekeim rám bízzák magukat.

They must rely on other senses.

Más érzékekre kell támaszkodniuk.

Never rely too much upon others.

Túlságosan soha ne bízz másokban.

Sami only had Layla to rely on.

Sami csak Laylára támaszkodhatott.

They rely on excellent hearing to sense danger.

Bíznak benne, hogy kitűnő hallásukkal érzékelik a veszélyt.

- You can rely on him.
- You can count on him.

Rábízhatod magadat.

- Don't rely on his help.
- Don't count on his help.

Ne reméld, hogy segíteni fog.

- I know that I can count on you.
- I know I can rely on you.
- I know that I can rely on you.

Tudom, hogy számíthatok rád.

How can we find a house painter whom we can rely on?

Hogyan találhatunk szobafestőt, akire számíthatunk?

Unable to hear over the wind, she must rely on her exceptional night vision.

A szélben alig hall, így rendkívüli éjszakai látóképességére támaszkodik.

- I'm taking care of it. You can relax. You can rely on me.
- Trust me. It'll be plain sailing.

Bízzátok rám. Nyugodtan hátradőlhettek, nem lesz semmi baj.

- He can be trusted.
- He can be relied on.
- You can rely upon him.
- You can count on him.
- He can be counted on.

Lehet rá számítani.