Translation of "Disrespectful" in Hungarian

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Disrespectful" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

That's disrespectful.

Ez tiszteletlenség.

Don't be disrespectful.

Ne legyél tiszteletlen!

- They are rude and disrespectful.
- You're rude and disrespectful.

Goromba vagy és tiszteletlen.

Social stigma, disrespectful partners.

társadalmi megbélyegzés, durva partnerek.

It's disrespectful to nature.

Tiszteletlen a természettel szemben:

Tom was very disrespectful.

Tomi nagyon tiszteletlen volt.

Disrespectful people are dangerous.

Veszélyesek azok az emberek, akik nincsenek másra tekintettel.

Tom is being disrespectful.

Tom tiszteletlen.

They are rude and disrespectful.

Gorombák és tiszteletlenek.

Tom was disrespectful to us.

Tom tiszteletlen volt velünk.

Tom is sometimes disrespectful, but Mary isn't.

Tom néha tiszteletlen, Mary azonban nem.