Translation of "Inadvertently" in German

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "Inadvertently" in a sentence and their german translations:

He inadvertently put salt into his cup of coffee.

Er hat versehentlich Salz in seine Tasse Kaffee getan.

Government officials say there’s no evidence to support the suggestion that Chinese students may be the ones inadvertently spreading the virus.

Regierungsbeamte sagen, dass es für die Ansicht, chinesische Schüler verbreiteten unbeabsichtigt das Virus, keinerlei Belege gebe.

Many of the doctors and nurses sleep at the hospital and avoid going home for fear of inadvertently infecting their families.

Aus Furcht, ungewollt die Familie anzustecken, schlafen viele Ärzte und Pflegekräfte im Krankenhaus und vermeiden es, nach Hause zu fahren.

- He put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake.
- He inadvertently put salt into his cup of coffee.
- He's put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake.

Er hat versehentlich Salz in seine Tasse Kaffee getan.