Translation of "Boot" in French

0.133 sec.

Examples of using "Boot" in a sentence and their french translations:

My computer won't boot up.

Mon ordinateur ne veut pas démarrer.

My luggage is in the boot.

Mes bagages sont dans le coffre.

- My computer won't start up anymore.
- My computer doesn't boot up anymore.

Mon ordinateur ne s'allume plus.

This car has the boot under the bonnet. The engine is in the back.

Cette voiture a le coffre sous le capot. Le moteur est à l’arrière.

The doors wouldn't open, so I had to get into the car through the boot.

Les portes refusèrent de s'ouvrir et je dus donc monter par le coffre.

Do you need as many licenses as you have operating systems installed in a multi-boot PC?

As-tu besoin d'autant de licences que tu as de systèmes d'exploitation installés sur un PC ayant un multi-boot ?

- My computer won't start up anymore.
- My computer won't boot up.
- My computer won't start any more.

Mon ordinateur ne démarre plus.