Translation of "Has" in French

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Has" in a sentence and their french translations:

- He has issues.
- He has problems.
- She has issues.
- She has problems.

Il a des problèmes.

- He has issues.
- She has issues.
- She has problems.

Il a des ennuis.

Winter has gone. Spring has come.

L'hiver s'en est allé. Le printemps est venu.

- Everyone has secrets.
- Everybody has secrets.

Tout le monde a des secrets.

- Someone has died.
- Somebody has died.

Quelqu'un est décédé.

- Tom has children.
- Tom has kids.

Tom a des enfants.

- He has nothing.
- She has nothing.

- Il n'a rien.
- Elle n'a rien.

- She has braces.
- He has braces.

Elle porte des bagues dentaires.

- Winter has come.
- Winter has arrived.

L'hiver arriva.

- Tom has issues.
- Tom has problems.

Tom a des ennuis.

- Has anything changed?
- Has something changed?

Est-ce que quelque chose a changé ?

- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he arrived already?
- Has he arrived?

Est-il déjà arrivé ?

- Has he come yet?
- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he come?

Est-il venu ?

- Has Lucy telephoned yet?
- Has Lucy already called?
- Has Lucy called already?
- Has Lucy called yet?

Lucie a-t-elle déjà téléphoné ?

- He has a bicycle.
- She has a bicycle.
- She has a bike.
- He has a bike.

Elle a un vélo.

- She has the clap.
- She has gonorrhea.

- Elle a la gonorrhée.
- Elle a la blennorragie.

He who has bees also has honey.

Celui qui a des abeilles a aussi du miel.

- Tom has rabbits.
- Tom has a rabbit.

Tom a un lapin.

- He has got cancer.
- He has cancer.

Il a un cancer.

- Has he come yet?
- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he arrived already?

Est-il déjà arrivé ?

- He has already begun.
- She has already begun.
- He has already started.

- Elle a déjà commencé.
- Il a déjà commencé.

- He has three children.
- He has three wires.
- He has three sons.

Il a trois fils.

- Has Lucy telephoned yet?
- Has Lucy already called?
- Has Lucy called already?

- Est-ce que Lucy a déjà appelé ?
- Lucy a-t-elle déjà téléphoné ?
- Lucie a-t-elle déjà téléphoné ?

- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he arrived already?
- Has he already come?

Est-il déjà arrivé ?

- He has two daughters.
- She has two children.
- She has two daughters.

- Il a deux filles.
- Elle a deux filles.

- She has one cat.
- He has a cat.
- She has a cat.

Il a un chat.

- He has three children.
- She has three children.
- She has three kids.

Elle a trois enfants.

- My university has a dorm.
- My university has a dormitory.
- My college has a dormitory.
- My university has dormitories.
- My college has dormitories.

Mon université a un dortoir.

- He has a book.
- She has a book.
- She has got a book.

Elle a un livre.

It has nice corners. It has strange corners.

Il a de jolis coins. Il a des coins étranges.

- The mail has arrived.
- The post has arrived.

Le courrier est arrivé.

He has a car that has four doors.

Il a une voiture à 4 portes.

- He has three children.
- He has three kids.

Il a trois fils.

- He has two daughters.
- She has two daughters.

Il a deux filles.

Whatever has a beginning also has an end.

- Toutes les choses ont une fin.
- Tout se termine, à un moment.
- Tout doit finir un jour.
- Toutes les choses ont un fin, un jour.

- Denmark has a prison.
- Denmark has one prison.

Le Danemark a une prison.

- He has twelve children.
- He has twelve sons.

Il a douze enfants.

- He has broad shoulders.
- He has wide shoulders.

- Il a les épaules larges.
- Il est doté de larges épaules.

- Tom has three children.
- Tom has three kids.

Tom a trois enfants.

- She has a bicycle.
- She has a bike.

Elle a un vélo.

- She has marginalized herself.
- She has marginalised herself.

Elle s'est marginalisée.

- She has no fear.
- He has no fear.

Elle n'a pas peur.

- She has good handwriting.
- She has beautiful handwriting.

Elle a une belle écriture.

- This has to stop.
- It has to stop.

- Il faut que ça s'arrête.
- Ça doit s'arrêter.

- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he arrived already?

Est-il déjà arrivé ?

- He has 12 sons.
- He has twelve sons.

Il a douze fils.

- She has short hair.
- He has short hair.

Il a les cheveux courts.

- The situation has deteriorated.
- The situation has worsened.

La situation s'est détériorée.

- Everything has an end.
- Everything has a purpose.

Tout a une fin.

- He has already begun.
- He has already started.

Il a déjà commencé.

- Tom has already begun.
- Tom has already started.

Tom a déjà commencé.

- He has blond hair.
- She has blonde hair.

Il a les cheveux blonds.

- He has a dog.
- She has a dog.

- Il a un chien.
- Elle a un chien.

- She has long hair.
- He has long hair.

Ses cheveux sont longs.

- She has beautiful eyes.
- She has pretty eyes.

Elle a de beaux yeux.

- It has stopped raining.
- The rain has stopped.

La pluie s'est arrêtée.

- She has blue eyes.
- He has blue eyes.

Elle a les yeux bleus.

- She has small feet.
- She has tiny feet.

Elle a de petits pieds.

- Tom has problems sleeping.
- Tom has trouble sleeping.

Tom a du mal à dormir.

- She has seven sons.
- She has seven children.

Elle a sept fils.

- He has three children.
- He has three sons.

Il a trois fils.

- Art has no borders.
- Art has no limits.

L'art est sans frontières.

A dog has masters; a cat has servants.

Un chien a des maîtres ; un chat, des serviteurs.

- Has Tom become crazy?
- Has Tom gone insane?

Tom est-il devenu fou ?

- He has boozy breath.
- He has a flag.

- Son haleine pue l'alcool.
- Il a un drapeau.

- Maria has blue eyes.
- Mary has blue eyes.

- Maria a les yeux bleus.
- Marie a les yeux bleus.

- He has brown eyes.
- He has hazel eyes.

- Il a les yeux marron.
- Ses yeux sont marron.

- Tom has three sons.
- Tom has three children.

Tom a trois fils.

- It has ceased raining.
- The rain has stopped.

La pluie s'est arrêtée.

- He has three children.
- She has three children.

Elle a trois enfants.

- He has brown shoes.
- She has brown shoes.

- Il a des chaussures marrons.
- Elle a des chaussures marrons.

- Has Mary already gone?
- Has Mary already left?

Manon est-elle déjà partie ?

- She has big boobs.
- She has large breasts.

Elle a des gros seins.