Translation of "They" in Dutch

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "They" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- They flew.
- They were flying.
- They stole.
- They were stealing.

- Zij vlogen.
- Zij stalen.

- They vanished.
- They disappeared.

Ze verdwenen.

- They cheered.
- They applauded.

Ze applaudisseerden.

- They quarreled.
- They brawled.

- Ze waren aan het redetwisten.
- Ze maakten ruzie.

- They stood.
- They stayed.

Ze stonden.

- Whenever they meet, they quarrel.
- Every time they meet, they quarrel.

Altijd wanneer ze elkaar ontmoeten, hebben ze ruzie.

- They said they were lucky.
- They said that they were lucky.

Ze zeiden dat ze geluk hadden.

- They said they were bored.
- They said that they were bored.

Ze zeiden dat ze zich verveelden.

- They said that they weren't colorblind.
- They said they weren't colorblind.

Ze zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren.

- They said that they were colorblind.
- They said they were colorblind.

Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren.

- They said that they were baffled.
- They said they were baffled.

Ze zeiden dat ze stomverbaasd waren.

- They said that they didn't know.
- They said they didn't know.

Ze zeiden dat ze het niet wisten.

- They said that they like pizza.
- They said they like pizza.

Zij zeiden dat ze van pizza houden.

- They say that they study French.
- They say they study French.

Ze zeggen dat ze Frans studeren.

- They said that they liked pizza.
- They said they liked pizza.

- Zij zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden.
- Ze zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden.

- They say that they won't vote.
- They say they won't vote.

Ze zeggen dat ze niet gaan stemmen.

- They say that they like it.
- They say they like it.

Ze zeggen dat ze het leuk vinden.

- They say that they do that.
- They say they do that.

Ze zeggen dat ze dat doen.

They worked hard, they failed, they tried again.

Ze werkten hard, ze faalden en probeerden het opnieuw.

- They were sleeping.
- They slept.
- They were asleep.

- Ze waren aan het slapen.
- Ze sliepen.

- They run.
- They are running.

Ze zijn aan het rennen.

- They were swimming.
- They swam.

- Ze zwommen.
- Ze waren aan het zwemmen.

- They have eaten.
- They ate.

Ze hebben gegeten.

- They are swimming.
- They swim.

- Ze zwemmen.
- Zij zwemmen.

- They understood.
- They got it.

- Ze hebben het begrepen.
- Ze begrepen het.

They stayed where they were.

Ze bleven waar ze waren.

They admitted they were baffled.

Ze gaven toe dat ze verbijsterd waren.

Whenever they meet, they quarrel.

Altijd wanneer ze elkaar ontmoeten, hebben ze ruzie.

- They won.
- They were victorious.

Zij wonnen.

They said they were lucky.

Ze zeiden dat ze geluk hadden.

- They want that.
- They want it.
- They want him.

- Ze willen dat.
- Dat willen ze.

- They said they were happy here.
- They said that they were happy here.

Ze zeiden dat ze hier gelukkig waren.

- They said that they heard somebody snoring.
- They said they heard somebody snoring.

Ze zeiden dat ze iemand hebben horen snurken.

- They said that they were really broke.
- They said they were really broke.

Ze zeiden dat ze echt blut waren.

- They said that they felt left out.
- They said they felt left out.

Ze zeiden dat ze zich buitengesloten voelden.

- They said that they tried to win.
- They said they tried to win.

Ze zeiden dat ze probeerden te winnen.

- They said that they plan to go.
- They said they plan to go.

Ze zeiden dat ze van plan waren te gaan.

- They told us that they could help.
- They told us they could help.

Ze vertelden ons dat ze konden helpen.

- They told us that they could win.
- They told us they could win.

Ze vertelden ons dat ze zouden kunnen winnen.

- They told me that they liked pizza.
- They told me they liked pizza.

Zij vertelden me dat ze van pizza hielden.

- They told me that they were busy.
- They told me they were busy.

Ze hebben me gezegd dat ze het druk hadden.

- They say that they weren't being paid.
- They say they weren't being paid.

- Ze zegden dat ze niet betaald werden.
- Ze zegden dat ze niet werden betaald.
- Ze zeiden dat ze niet werden betaald.

- They say that they followed the rules.
- They say they followed the rules.

Ze zeggen dat ze de regels hebben opgevolgd.

- They say that they can't speak French.
- They say they can't speak French.

Ze zeggen dat ze geen Frans kunnen spreken.

- They say that they're not worried.
- They say that they aren't worried.
- They say they're not worried.
- They say they aren't worried.

Ze zeggen dat ze zich geen zorgen maken.

- They married when they were young.
- They got married when they were still young.

- Ze waren jong toen ze trouwden.
- Zij zijn getrouwd toen ze nog jong waren.

When they saw that they were losing, they gave up.

Toen ze zagen dat ze aan het verliezen waren, gaven ze op.

- They weren't ill.
- They were not ill.
- They weren't sick.

Ze waren niet ziek.

They carefully measure what they catch

Ze houden zorgvuldig bij wat ze vangen,

They are delicate. They fall ill.

Ze zijn gevoelig. Ze worden ziek.

- They remained friends.
- They stayed friends.

Ze bleven vrienden.

They didn't come here, did they?

Ze zijn niet gekomen toch?

- They exchanged greetings.
- They exchanged hellos.

Ze wisselden groeten uit.

- They drink coke.
- They drink cola.

Ze drinken cola.

- They seem happy.
- They look happy.

- Zij lijken gelukkig.
- Ze zien er gelukkig uit.

- They are neighbours.
- They are neighbors.

Zij zijn buren.

- They become nervous.
- They get nervous.

- Ze worden nerveus.
- Ze worden zenuwachtig.

They married when they were young.

- Ze waren jong toen ze trouwden.
- Zij zijn getrouwd toen ze nog jong waren.

- They are teachers.
- They are professors.

Het zijn professoren.

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

Ze zijn vermoord.

- They were right.
- They were correct.

Ze hadden gelijk.

- They drove away.
- They drove off.

Ze reden weg.

- They kept silence.
- They fell silent.

Ze zwegen.

- They caught her.
- They captured her.

Ze hebben haar gepakt.

- They killed Tom.
- They murdered Tom.

- Zij vermoordden Tom.
- Ze hebben Tom gedood.

- Are they gone?
- Have they gone?

- Zijn ze weg?
- Zijn ze weggegaan?

- They hate him.
- They detest him.

Ze haten hem.

- They were wrangling.
- They were arguing.

Ze waren aan het redetwisten.

- Are they tall?
- Are they big?

Zijn ze groot?

- They succeeded.
- They reached their destination.

- Ze hebben hun doel bereikt.
- U hebt uw doel bereikt.

They claimed they saw a UFO.

Ze beweerden dat ze een ufo zagen.

They admitted that they were uncertain.

Ze gaven toe dat ze onzeker waren.