Translation of "Time" in Polish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Time" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Well, from time to time.

No, czasami.

- It's time for dinner.
- Time for dinner.
- It's supper time.

Czas na kolację.

Remember me from time to time.

Wspomnij mnie od czasu do czasu.

- It's lunch time.
- It's lunch time!

Przerwa na obiad.

- I have time.
- I've got time.

Mam czas.

- Maybe next time!
- Maybe next time.

A jednak dam spokój.

- It's time-consuming.
- It's time consuming.

To jest czasochłonne.

- We have no time.
- We don't have time.
- We're out of time.
- We've no time.
- We don't have the time.

Nie mamy czasu.

- What time is it?
- What's the time?
- What is the time?

- Która godzina?
- Która jest godzina?

- What time is it?
- What time is it now?
- What's the time?
- What is the time?

Która godzina?

Over time,

z czasem

Decision time!

Czas decyzji!

What time?

O której?

Time flies.

Czas leci.

Time flew.

Czas płynął.

Any time.

W każdej chwili.

- We have no time.
- We've no time.

Nie mamy czasu.

Yes, it happens from time to time.

- Tak, to się czasem zdarza.
- Tak, to zdarza się od czasu do czasu.

- It's time to eat.
- Time to eat!

Do stołu!

- There is yet time.
- There's still time.

Jest jeszcze czas.

- It's time for dinner.
- Time for dinner.

Czas na kolację.

- What time is it?
- What's the time?
- What is the time?
- What time do you make it?

Która jest godzina?

- Time heals all wounds.
- Time heals all broken hearts.
- Time is the best medicine.
- Time heals everything.

Czas leczy rany.

- I have no time.
- I am out of time.
- I don't have time.
- I don't have the time.
- I'm out of time.

Nie mam czasu.

- Time heals all wounds.
- Time heals all broken hearts.
- Time is the best medicine.
- Time cures all things.

Czas leczy rany.

- What time is it?
- What time is it now?
- What's the time now?
- What is the time now?

Która godzina?

- It's about time to start.
- It's time to begin.
- It's time to start.

- Czas zaczynać.
- Czas zacząć.

- There is yet time.
- We still have more time.
- We still have time.

Mamy jeszcze czas.

Check in with him from time to time,

będę się upewniał, że wszystko w porządku,

Time and time again, they just evade her.

Umykały jej raz za razem.

- Time cannot be stopped.
- Time can't be stopped.

Czas nie może zostać zatrzymany.

He still rings me from time to time.

Wciąż dzwoni do mnie od czasu do czasu.

- I have no time.
- I don't have time.

Nie mam czasu.

She talks to me from time to time.

Ona odzywa się do mnie raz na jakiś czas.

- Do you have time?
- Have you got time?

- Czy ma pan czas?
- Czy ma pani czas?

Such things can happen from time to time.

Takie rzeczy czasem się zdarzają.

Please write to me from time to time.

Napisz do mnie od czasu do czasu.

- It's time to sleep.
- It's time for bed.

Jest pora spać.

- We're available.
- We have time.
- We've got time.

Mamy czas.

I think about that from time to time.

Myślę o tym od czasu do czasu.

- Time for bed.
- It's time to go to sleep.
- It's bedtime.
- It's time to sleep.
- It's time for bed.

Jest pora spać.

- It's time to go to bed.
- Time for bed.
- It's time to go to sleep.
- It's bedtime.
- It's time to sleep.
- It's time for bed.

Pora spać.

- What time is it now?
- What's the time now?
- What is the time now?

Która godzina?

- Time heals all wounds.
- Time heals all broken hearts.
- Time is the best medicine.

Czas leczy wszystkie rany.

- Time has passed very fast.
- Time passed very quickly.
- Time has passed very quickly.

Czas upłynął bardzo szybko.

- We have plenty of time.
- We've got plenty of time.
- We have a lot of time.
- We've got lots of time.
- We have lots of time.

Mamy mnóstwo czasu.

Travel through time?

Podróże w czasie?

Time to reassemble.

Czas się zbierać.

Time to offload.

Czas na wyładunek.

Time for action!

Czas działać!

Don't waste time.

Nie marnuj czasu.

It takes time.

To wymaga czasu.

Time will tell.

Czas pokaże.

Give him time.

Daj mu czas.

Time is money.

Czas to pieniądz.

Maybe next time!

Może następnym razem!

Be on time.

Będę na czas.

How time flies!

Jak ten czas leci!

You're on time.

Jesteście na czas.

Tom needs time.

Tom potrzebuje czasu.

I'm on time.

Jestem na czas.

At what time?

O której?

Until next time.

Do następnego razu.

One more time.

Jeszcze raz.

Time to sleep.

Czas do spania.

Time heals everything.

Czas leczy wszystko

Clocks measure time.

- Zegarki odmierzają czas.
- Zegary odmierzają czas.

Give me time.

Daj mi czas!

You have time.

Macie czas.

He stays a long time every time he comes.

On zostaje na długo za każdym razem, kiedy przyjeżdża.

- We need more time.
- More time will be needed.

Będzie potrzebne więcej czasu.

- We still have more time.
- We still have time.

Mamy jeszcze czas.

- There is little time left.
- There's little time left.

Zostało mało czasu.

- Time for bed.
- It's bedtime.
- It's time for bed.

Czas spać.

- It's time for dinner.
- It's dinner time.
- It's dinnertime.

Czas na kolację.

He still writes to me from time to time.

Do dziś czasami pisze do mnie.

- You're wasting our time.
- You are wasting our time.

Marnujesz nasz czas.

Please come to see me from time to time.

Wpadnij czasem do mnie.

- Time heals all wounds.
- Time is the great healer.

Czas leczy rany.

I go to the library from time to time.

Czasem wychodzę do biblioteki.

- Time to get up.
- It's time to get up.

Czas wstawać.

- Thank you for your time.
- Thanks for your time.

Dziękuję za poświęcony czas.

- Be more careful next time.
- Be careful next time.

Następnym razem uważaj na siebie.

- It's time to start.
- It's time to get started.

- Czas zaczynać.
- Czas zacząć.

- It's time to leave.
- It's time to set off.

Czas odejść.

- Time to get up.
- It's time to get up.
- It is time to get up.

- Czas wstawać.
- Pora wstawać.

- Will we arrive on time?
- Are we arriving on time?
- Will we arrive in time?

Będziemy o czasie?