Translation of "Oma's" in English

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Examples of using "Oma's" in a sentence and their english translations:

"Daar zijn oma's voor." "Nee, oma's zijn er om noobs te pwnen."

"That's what grandmas are for." "No, grandmas are for pwning noobs."

Bingo is iets voor oma's.

Bingo is something that grandmothers play.

Mijn oma's verpleegster is heel erg aardig.

My grandmother's nurse is very kind.

Maar terwijl ik daar zat en zag dat mijn oma's leven

But as I sat witness to my grandmother's life

's Nachts viel er een flink pak sneeuw. De volgende morgen verschenen op de straten oma's met kleinkinderen op sleetjes, en 's middags na schooltijd barstten in het park de sneeuwballengevechten los.

- Plenty of snow had fallen overnight. The following morning, grandmothers and their grandchildren on sledges appeared in the streets, and in the afternoon, after school, snowball fights broke out in the park.
- Plenty of snow had fallen overnight. In the streets the next morning, grandmothers appeared with their grandchildren on sledges, and in the park that afternoon, after school, snowball fights broke out.