Translation of "İznin" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "İznin" in a sentence and their english translations:

İznin olmadan bunu yapabilirdim.

- I could've done this without your permission.
- I could have done this without your permission.

İznin var, değil mi?

You've got your permit, right?

İznin olmadan onu yapmamalıydım.

I shouldn't have done that without your permission.

Bunu yemeye iznin yok.

You're not allowed to eat those.

Cumartesi iznin var mı?

Do you have Saturday off?

Bir iznin var mı?

- Do you have a permit?
- Do you have permission?

Park iznin var mı?

Do you have your parking permit?

Bir günlük iznin gerisini alıyorum.

I'm taking the rest of the day off.

Bunu yapmak için iznin var mı?

Are you allowed to do that?

Ağır ol, genç adam. İznin olmadan buraya giremezsin.

Hold your horses, young man. You can't enter here unless you have a pass.

Üç yüz dolara kadar para harcamaya iznin var.

You're allowed to spend up to three hundred dollars.

Yapmak istediğim son şeyin senin iznin olmadan oraya gitmek olduğunu bildiğini umuyorum.

- I hope you know that the last thing I want to do is go there without your permission.
- I hope that you know that the last thing I want to do is go there without your permission.
- I hope you know that the last thing that I want to do is go there without your permission.
- I hope you know the last thing I want to do is go there without your permission.