Translation of "Leitão" in English

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Examples of using "Leitão" in a sentence and their english translations:

Según Rafael Leitão, es muy difícil para un ajedrecista profesional conseguir patrocinio en Brasil, porque el ajedrez no es popular en nuestro país.

According to Rafael Leitão, it is very difficult for a professional chess player to get sponsorship in Brazil, because chess is not popular in our country.

Rafael Leitão señala que la inserción del ajedrez en las escuelas brasileñas es un hecho positivo, pero cree que todavía estamos lejos del nivel mínimo aceptable para que alguien tenga ingresos estables como ajedrecista profesional.

Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player.

Debido a la falta de apoyo gubernamental al deporte, dice Rafael Leitão, el ajedrecista profesional en Brasil no tiene ninguna estabilidad financiera. Entonces, si quieres tomarte el ajedrez en serio, debes viajar todo el tiempo a Europa y Estados Unidos para jugar en los grandes torneos.

Due to the lack of government support for sport, says Rafael Leitão, the professional chess player in Brazil has no financial stability at all. So, if you want to take chess seriously, you need to travel all the time to Europe and the United States to play in the big tournaments.