Translation of "Inspirar" in English

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Examples of using "Inspirar" in a sentence and their english translations:

Dejándonos inspirar

allowing ourselves to be inspired

Y al inspirar

and as I breathed in,

Si pudiera inspirar a esa muchacha

if she could inspire that lady

También pueden llenar la caja torácica al inspirar.

You can also fill the rib cages as you breathe in.

Sientan como las costillas se abren al inspirar

You feel the ribs open as you breathe,

Para inspirar hay que ir rumbo al bienestar

to inspire you to move in the direction of well-being,

Al máximo de su persona para poder inspirar a otros

in your full personhood so that you too can inspire others

Y que nos puede inspirar para crear algo que trascienda lo individual,

to inspire us to create something bigger than ourselves,

Podía inspirar o intimidar a otros hombres para que realizaran hazañas sobrehumanas de valentía y resistencia.

he could inspire or bully other men into superhuman feats of bravery and endurance.

Tampoco estaba en el lugar para inspirar a sus tropas ... y su ejército sufrió una sangrienta derrota.

Nor was he on the spot to inspire his troops… and his army suffered a bloody defeat.

Capacidad para dar un golpe maestro o inspirar a sus tropas a la victoria, disminuyó con el tiempo.

ability to deliver a master-stroke, or inspire his troops to victory, waned with time.