Translation of "Impide" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Impide" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Qué te impide ir?

What's stopping you from going?

Ese ruido me impide dormir.

- That noise keeps me from sleeping.
- I can't sleep because of that noise.
- That noise won't let me sleep.

¿Qué impide que hagas un estudio?

What's stopping you from doing a study?

El mal tiempo me impide partir.

The bad weather's preventing me from leaving.

Y eso les impide hablar llegado el momento.

and it stops them from speaking this moment;

Su avanzada edad le impide conseguir un empleo.

His advanced age prevents him from getting a job.

La enfermedad de Mary no le impide disfrutar la vida.

Mary's sickness does not stop her from enjoying life.

Es lo que creemos conocer lo que a menudo nos impide aprender.

- It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning.
- It's what we think we know that keeps us from learning.

Nada impide, cuando uno tiene una esposa, tener una amante al mismo tiempo.

Nothing prevents, when one has a wife, to have a mistress at the same time.

El hecho de que estas afirmaciones hayan demostrado consistentemente no tener fundamentos no impide su repetición.

The fact that these assertions have consistently proved to be without foundation unfortunately does not prevent their repetition.

- El tiempo es lo que evita que todo ocurra de golpe.
- El tiempo es lo que impide que todo suceda a la vez.

Time is the thing that keeps everything from happening at once.

La dificultad del idioma japonés impide que los extranjeros, a excepción de un puñado, tengan un acercamiento a la literatura japonesa en su idioma original.

The difficulties of the Japanese language prevent all but a handful of foreigners from approaching the literature in the original.