Translation of "Experimentos" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Experimentos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Haz muchos experimentos.

do a ton of experimentation.

Experimentos en animales han demostrado

Animal experiments have shown -

Y nuestros experimentos lo demostraron.

and our experiments have shown that.

experimentos científicos y tomaron fotografías.

experiments, and took photographs.

Luego de años de experimentos

After years of conducting experiments together

Para poder realizar sus experimentos.

could carry out their experiments.

Estos juegos representan experimentos mentales

these games pose character building thought experiments

Pero te das cuenta por experimentos

But through experiments you realize

Y esos experimentos son muy importantes,

And those laboratory experiments are incredibly important.

Son experimentos simples de aprendizaje automático.

These are simple experiments in machine learning.

Esos dos experimentos entregaron resultados similares.

Those two experiments yielded similar results.

Para obtener la página de experimentos.

to get the experiments page.

Cuando las ponemos a prueba mediante experimentos.

when we test them in experimental conditions.

Los experimentos son llevados en un laboratorio.

Experiments are carried out in a laboratory.

Nuestra hipótesis se basa en experimentos sólidos.

Our hypothesis is based on solid experiments.

Entonces con David, comenzamos ejecutando experimentos internamente,

so with David, we started running experiments internally,

Por ese motivo, tienes que realizar experimentos.

For that reason you have to run experiments.

En función de los resultados previos de experimentos.

based on the results from experiments.

Mis hijas han pasado por todos mis experimentos.

I mean, my poor children have been the subject of all of my experiments.

Junto con representantes farmacéuticos, decidieron realizar experimentos humanos

together with pharmaceutical representatives, decided to conduct human experiments

Y puestos a su disposición para sus experimentos.

and made available to him for his experiments.

En 1982, Gerhard Rose habló sobre los experimentos

In 1982, Gerhard Rose spoke about the human

Entonces tiene que verificarse en experimentos con humanos.

then it has to be verified in human experiments.

Los experimentos te permitirán averiguar que anda mal.

Experiments will enable you to find out what is wrong.

Muchos errores se podrían evitar con experimentos sencillos.

- Many mistakes could have been avoided through simple experiments.
- Many mistakes could've been avoided through simple experiments.

Antes hablemos sobre los experimentos realizados en laboratorios.

First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.

Está llevando a cabo experimentos en su laboratorio.

He is carrying out experiments in his laboratory.

Hicimos varios experimentos con este tipo particular de estímulos.

So we've done various experiments with these particular kinds of stimuli.

Los experimentos con el tifus se llevan a cabo

Experiments with typhus are carried out

Es todos trabajando juntos, haciendo continuamente experimentos para crecer.

it's everyone working together continually doing experiments to grow.

En estos experimentos, Alexander utilizaba un colectivo de ratas Wistar,

In these experiments, Alexander used Wistar rats,

Muchos de los experimentos los hizo Tom por sí mismo.

Tom did many of the experiments himself.

Y experimentos de este tipo realmente se han llevado a cabo.

And such experiments have indeed been done.

Además, los experimentos que condujimos son consistentes con nuestros resultados teóricos.

In addition, our experiments are consistent with our theoretical results.

Y si lo haces bien, y quieres hacer algunos experimentos, hazlo,

and you get the hang of it, if you want to do some experimentation, by all means go and

Me gustaría comenzar con la ejecución de dos experimentos con todos Uds.

I'd like to start with running two short experiments with you all.

El astronauta debió llevar a cabo muchos experimentos en el transbordador espacial.

The astronaut had to conduct many experiments in the space shuttle.

Lo tercero que necesitas saber es que muchos de tus experimentos fallarán.

The third thing you need to know is a lot of your experiments will go wrong.

Si una vacuna ha sido probada a fondo en experimentos con animales y ha demostrado

If a vaccine has been thoroughly tested in animal experiments and has proven to

Por lo tanto, cuando estés haciendo estos experimentos, asegúrate de estar controlando tu Google Analytics

So when you're doing these experiments, make sure you're checking your Google analytics

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Neil Patel, y hoy les voy a enseñarte cómo realizar experimentos de SEO.

Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today I'm gonna teach you how to run SEO experiments.

¡Después de años de experimentos fallidos, puedo decir que finalmente descubrí el único, y absolutamente infalible, remedio instantáneo contra el hipo!

After years of failed experiments, I can say I've finally discovered the only absolutely flawless instant cure for hiccups!