Translation of "Desnudez" in English

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Examples of using "Desnudez" in a sentence and their english translations:

La desnudez de la mujer es obra de Dios.

The nakedness of woman is the work of God.

Tampoco subirás por gradas a mi altar, para que no se descubra tu desnudez sobre él.

Thou shalt not go up by steps unto my altar, lest thy nakedness be discovered.

Vio Cam, padre de Canaán, la desnudez de su padre y avisó a sus dos hermanos afuera.

And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.

Entonces Sem y Jafet tomaron el manto, se lo echaran al hombro los dos, y andando hacia atrás, vueltas las caras, cubrieron la desnudez de su padre, sin verla.

But Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders, and going backward, covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they saw not their father's nakedness.