Translation of "Afuera" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Afuera" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Sale, espera afuera.
- Vale, espera afuera.
- Arre, espera afuera.

Okay, wait outside.

Estaré afuera.

I'll be right outside.

Están afuera.

They're outside.

Esperaré afuera.

- I'll wait outside.
- I'll be waiting outside.

Esperamos afuera.

We waited outside.

Estábamos afuera.

We were outside.

¡Todos afuera!

Everybody out!

- Todavía está claro afuera.
- Todavía hay luz afuera.

- It is still light outside.
- It's still light outside.

Afuera está oscureciendo.

- It is getting dark outside.
- It's getting dark outside.

Podés esperar afuera.

You can wait outside.

Hay alguien afuera.

- Someone's outside.
- Someone is outside.

Todos están afuera.

Everyone's out.

Yo corrí afuera.

I ran outside.

¿Puedo verte afuera?

Can I see you outside?

Estamos cenando afuera.

- We are eating dinner outdoors.
- We're eating dinner outdoors.

Tom volvió afuera.

Tom went back outside.

Hacía frío afuera.

It was cold outside.

Ven conmigo afuera.

Come outside with me.

Comúnmente como afuera.

I usually eat out.

¿Puedes esperar afuera?

Can you wait outside?

Afuera está nevando.

It snows outside.

¿Hace calor afuera?

- Is it hot outside?
- Hot outside?

Tom esperó afuera.

Tom waited outside.

Están justo afuera.

They're right outside.

Solo mira afuera.

Just look outside.

Siempre como afuera.

I always eat out.

¡Rápido! ¡Mira afuera!

Quick. Look outside!

¡Quedate ahí afuera!

- Stay outside!
- Stay outside.

"miedo a quedarse afuera",

"fear of missing out,"

Esta oscuro allá afuera.

- It's all dark outside.
- It's totally dark outside.

¿Comes afuera a menudo?

- Do you eat out often?
- Do you often eat out?

Entra. Hace frío afuera.

- Come inside. It's cold outside.
- Get in. It's cold outside.

Ella está afuera ahora.

She is out now.

Alguien está llamando afuera.

Someone is calling from outside.

Se ve caluroso afuera.

It seems warm outside.

Todavía está claro afuera.

- It is still light outside.
- It's still light outside.

La gente está afuera.

People stay outside.

Afuera está nevando, abrígate.

It's snowing outside, cover up.

Hay lobos ahí afuera.

There are wolves out there.

Mire qué pasa afuera.

See what's going on outside.

Ella está corriendo afuera.

She is running outdoors.

Vamos a hablar afuera.

Let's talk outside.

Ellos están esperando afuera.

They're waiting outside.

Tom se quedó afuera.

Tom stayed outside.

Hay un guardia afuera.

A guard is outside.

Él recién salió afuera.

He went out just now.

Ve a esperar afuera.

Go wait outside.

Todavía hay luz afuera.

It's still light out.

Afuera está completamente oscuro.

- It's totally dark outside.
- It's pitch black outside.

Hay un automóvil afuera.

There is an automobile outside.

Esperé afuera esperando verte.

I waited outside on the chance of seeing you.

Al acabar, sal afuera.

When you're done, go outside.

Lleva afuera la basura.

Take the garbage out.

Oí un ruido afuera.

I heard something outside.

Esperen afuera, por favor.

Please wait outside.

- Ponete el abrigo. Hace frío afuera.
- Ponte el abrigo. Hace frío afuera.

Put your coat on. It's cold outside.

Pintaremos las paredes de afuera".

And we're going to paint the walls outside."

Desde arriba y afuera, dividirnos

from outside and from above, to divide us

Si estás afuera, entonces funciona.

If you are outside, then it works.

El taxi está esperando afuera.

The taxi is waiting outside.

Estuve afuera todo el día.

I was out all day.