Translation of "Codicia" in English

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Examples of using "Codicia" in a sentence and their english translations:

La codicia es buena,

greed is good,

La codicia no es buena.

greed is not good.

La codicia ha nublado su juicio.

Greed seems to have blinded his good judgement.

La codicia hace a la gente hacer cosas extrañas.

Greed makes people do strange things.

El avaro acumula dinero, no por prudencia, sino por codicia.

A miser hoards money not because he is prudent but because he is greedy.

Sí, todos tenemos un poco de egoísmo y de codicia dentro de nosotros,

Sure, we all have a bit of selfishness and greed inside us,

"¿No es cierto que si obras bien podrás alzarlo? Mas, si no obras bien, a la puerta está el pecado acechando como fiera que te codicia, y a quien tienes que dominar."

If thou do well, shalt thou not receive? but if ill, shall not sin forthwith be present at the door? but the lust thereof shall be under thee, and thou shalt have dominion over it.

- Los siete pecados capitales son: la vanidad, la envidia, la avaricia, la ira, la lujuria, la gula y la pereza.
- Los siete pecados capitales son: soberbia, envidia, codicia, ira, lujuria, gula y pereza.

The seven deadly sins are: pride, envy, greed, anger, lust, gluttony and sloth.