Translation of "Invadiram" in English

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Examples of using "Invadiram" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ladrões invadiram a casa dele.

Burglars broke into his house.

Os animais invadiram as casas.

Animals invaded the houses.

Invadiram a casa dele noite passada.

His house was broken into last night.

Por que os Ragnarssons invadiram a Inglaterra?

Why did the Ragnarssons invade England?

Os normandos invadiram a Inglaterra em 1066.

The Normans invaded England in 1066.

Eles invadiram o país com tanques e armas de fogo.

They invaded the country with tanks and guns.

Quando foi que os bárbaros invadiram Roma pela primeira vez?

When did the barbarians first invade Rome?

E assim o Senhor fez: nuvens de moscas-varejeiras invadiram o palácio do faraó, as casas dos ministros e todo o território do Egito. E, por causa das moscas-varejeiras, houve muito prejuízo no país inteiro.

And the Lord did so. And there came a very grievous swarm of flies into the houses of Pharaoh and of his servants, and into all the land of Egypt: and the land was corrupted by this kind of flies.

Moisés estendeu o bastão sobre o Egito, e o Senhor fez soprar o vento leste sobre a região durante o dia todo e a noite inteira. De manhã, o vento já tinha trazido os gafanhotos, que invadiram o país, pousando sobre todo o território do Egito em tamanha quantidade, como nunca havia acontecido antes, nem jamais voltaria a acontecer.

And Moses stretched forth his rod upon the land of Egypt: and the Lord brought a burning wind all that day, and night; and when it was morning, the burning wind raised the locusts. And they came up over the whole land of Egypt; and rested in all the coasts of the Egyptians, innumerable, the like as had not been before that time, nor shall be hereafter.