Translation of "Humildes" in English

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Examples of using "Humildes" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sua cara era pálida e suas vestes, humildes.

His face was pale and his clothing humble.

Derrubou do trono os poderosos e exaltou os humildes.

He knocks the mighty from the throne and elevates the humble.

Em La Teja, El Cerro, os bairros humildes, a trabalhar, socialmente.

In La Teja, El Cerro, the humble neighborhoods, working, socially.

Mal terminava, eis de repente tudo em volta / sinto tremer – umbrais, o bosque de loureiros / do deus, o monte inteiro – qual em curso / um terremoto, e no santuário, agora aberto, / ouço gemer a trípode febeia. / Humildes prosternamo-nos e ouvimos / uma voz que nos diz:

Scarce spake I, suddenly the bays divine / shook, and a trembling seized the temple door. / The mountain heaves, and from the opening shrine / loud moans the tripod. Prostrate on the floor / we her a voice: