Translation of "Esquadrão" in English

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Examples of using "Esquadrão" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Mike - capitão da nossa brigada.
- Mike - capitão do nosso esquadrão.
- Mike - capitão do nosso time.

- Mike is captain of our team.
- Mike is the team's captain.

O espetáculo Corebo / não pôde suportar: enfurecido / e disposto a morrer, arremeteu / contra o fero esquadrão que a circundava.

That sight Coroebus brooked not. Stung with gall / and mad with rage, nor fearing to be slain, / he plunged amid their columns.

Assim falando, volta a sua lança / na direção do cavo monte e empurra / a parede rochosa, e logo os ventos, / qual cerrado esquadrão, se precipitam / pela passagem que lhes é aberta / e em turbilhões as terras vão varrendo.

- When he had said these things, he struck with reversed spear the side of the hollow mountain, and the winds, as a single column, race through the offered gate and blast the lands with a tornado.
- So spake the God and with her hest complied, / and turned the massive sceptre in his hand / and pushed the hollow mountain on its side. / Out rushed the winds, like soldiers in a band, / in wedged array, and, whirling, scour the land.