Translation of "Sąsiadem" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Sąsiadem" in a sentence and their english translations:

Jesteś naszym sąsiadem.

You're our neighbor.

Jestem twoim sąsiadem.

I'm your neighbor.

Jest moim sąsiadem.

- He's my neighbour.
- He is my neighbour.

Tom jest bardzo cichym sąsiadem.

Tom is a very quiet neighbor.

Trudno mi było wytrzymać z moim sąsiadem.

I found it difficult to get along with my neighbor.

- Tom to mój sąsiad.
- Tom jest moim sąsiadem.

- Tom is my neighbor.
- Tom is my neighbour.

Chociaż jest moim sąsiadem, nie wiem zbyt dużo o nim.

- He is my neighbor, but I don't know him well.
- Even though he is my neighbour, I did not know him well.

Tom jest moim sąsiadem, ale nie znam go zbyt dobrze.

Tom is my neighbor, but I don't know him very well.