Translation of "Róla" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Róla" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Honnan tudtak róla?
- Hogyhogy tudtak róla?

How did they know?

Hallottál róla?

Have you heard from him?

Megfeledkeztem róla.

I'd forgotten about it.

Tudnak róla.

They know about it.

Róla álmodtam.

I had a dream about him.

Beszélhetünk róla.

We can talk about it.

Gondoskodom róla.

I'll see to that.

Beszéltünk róla.

- We talked about that.
- We've talked about it.

Hallottam róla.

I've heard of him.

Megbizonyosodom róla.

I will make sure of it.

Tudtam róla.

I knew about it.

- Mesélj róla!
- Nekem mondod!
- Mesélj nekem róla!

- Tell me about it!
- Tell me about it.

- Szavazzuk meg!
- Tartsunk szavazást róla!
- Szavazzunk róla!

Let's put it to a vote.

- Mondj el mindent róla!
- Mesélj el mindent róla!

Tell me everything about it.

- Nem tudok róla semmit.
- Semmit nem tudok róla.

- I know nothing about her.
- I don't know anything about her.

- Ne beszélj róla többet!
- Ne beszéljen róla többet!

Don't talk about it anymore.

Nincs róla hangfelvételünk.

We don't have audio of this.

Valamicskét tudunk róla.

We know something about it.

Teljesen megfeledkeztem róla.

I completely forgot about her.

Sohasem hallottam róla.

I've never heard of her.

Bizonyosodjunk meg róla.

Let's find out for sure.

- Elfelejtettük.
- Megfeledkeztünk róla.

We forgot.

Hallottál róla, nem?

You've heard about it, haven't you?

Magad tehetsz róla.

You had it coming.

Fogalmam sincs róla.

I don't have a clue.

Nem beszélek róla.

I'm not talking about her.

Tudnunk kell róla.

We must know about it.

Szeretnél róla beszélni?

- Do you want to talk about it?
- Do you feel like talking about it?

Nem beszéltem róla.

I didn't talk about him.

Ötleted sincs róla.

You don't have a clue.

Tom beszélt róla.

Tom talked about that.

Szeretnék róla beszélni.

I'd like to talk about him.

Mennyit tudsz róla?

How much do you know about him?

Tudni akarnak róla.

They want to know about him.

Már beszéltünk róla.

We've already talked about that.

Gyakran hallasz róla?

Do you hear from her often?

Mit tudsz róla?

What do you know about him?

Tamás tud róla?

- Does Tom know this?
- Does Tom know about this?

Már tudok róla.

I know about that already.

Olvastam róla valahol.

I have read about it somewhere.

Beszélhetünk róla holnap?

Can we talk about it tomorrow?

Ők tudnak róla.

They know about it.

Hányan tudnak róla?

How many people know about this?

Küldenél róla képet?

Can you send me a picture about it?

Mindent tudtunk róla.

We knew all about it.

Csak benyomást szereznek róla.

you only get the sense of it.

És próbáltam megfeledkezni róla.

And I tried to forget about it.

Semmit sem tudtunk róla,

we didn't know anything about him,

Senki nem beszél róla.

And no one talks about it.

Nem kell elmélkedjünk róla.

And you don't have to theorize about it.

Hogy győződhetünk meg róla?

How would you test it?

Különböző elméletek vannak róla:

There are different theories --

A nagybátyja gondoskodik róla.

He is taken care of by his uncle.

Hallottál már valamikor róla?

Have you ever heard of him?

Mindenféle pletyka keringett róla.

- Rumors were current about him.
- There were all sorts of rumors circulating about him.

Itt egy fénykép róla.

Here's a photo of her.

Meg vagyok róla győződve.

I'm convinced.

Semmit nem tudok róla.

- I know nothing about him.
- I do not know anything about him.
- I don't know anything about him.

- Említette.
- Említést tett róla.

He mentioned it.

Nem akarok hallani róla.

I don't want to hear about it.

Akarsz most beszélni róla?

Do you want to tell me about it now?

Nem szeretnék beszélni róla.

- I don't want to speak about her.
- I don't want to talk about her.

Miért nem mesélsz róla?

Why don't you tell me about it?

Meg kell róla bizonyosodnunk.

We've got to make sure.

Nem tudunk semmit róla.

We don't know anything about him.

Beszélnünk kellett volna róla.

- We should've been told about it.
- We should have been told about it.

Nem kell beszélnünk róla.

We don't want to talk about it.

Visszavonta, amit róla mondott.

He took back what he had said about her.

Nem akarok tudni róla.

I don't want to know about this.

- Tudsz arról?
- Tudsz róla?

Do you know about that?

Nagyon keveset tudunk róla.

We know very little about it.

Már biztos tud róla.

He certainly knows about it already.

Soha nem beszéltünk róla.

- We've never talked about it.
- We've never talked about that.
- We never talked about it.

Nem akarok beszélni róla.

- I don't want to talk about her.
- I don't want to talk about them.

Kiderült róla, hogy becsületes.

He proved to be honest.

Tom nem tehet róla.

Tom can't help that.

Hallottál róla valamit mostanában?

Have you heard anything about her recently?

Honnan tudhatott róla Tom?

How did Tom know?

Fogalmam sem volt róla.

I wasn't even conscious of it.

Nem szeretek róla beszélni.

I don't like to talk about him.

Nem én tehettem róla.

It wasn't my fault.

Még mindig álmodom róla.

I still dream about it.

Senki sem tudott róla.

No one knew about it.

Semmit sem hallani róla.

Nothing is heard about him.

Csak Tamás tud róla.

Only Tom knows.

Mondj nekünk valamit róla.

Tell us something about that.

Tom nem beszél róla.

Tom won't talk about it.

- Említette.
- Beszélt róla nekem.

He told me about it.

Többet tudok róla genetikailag.

I know more about it genetically.

Semmit sem tudunk róla.

We don't know anything about him.

Csak jót hallani róla.

Everybody speaks well of her.