Translation of "Reprend" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Reprend" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom reprend conscience.

- Tom is coming to.
- Tom is regaining consciousness.

Notre malade reprend connaissance.

Our patient is regaining consciousness.

- Encore une fois !
- On reprend !

- Come again?
- One more time.
- Once again

A l'aube, la marche carthaginoise reprend.

At dawn, the Carthaginian march resumes.

Par exemple, si on reprend le Parrain,

So for example, going back to The Godfather,

Flo reprend le magasin de la ferme.

Flo takes over the farm shop.

La vie reprend progressivement son cours habituel.

Life is gradually returning to its usual course.

On le reprend quand il fait des erreurs.

And we correct them when when they make mistake.

Il donne d'une main et reprend de l'autre.

He gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

À partir de 7 heures, la circulation dans la ville reprend.

From 7 o'clock onwards, the traffic in the town picks up.

Si on reprend le globe, vous pouvez voir que cette ligne n'est pas la route la plus courte

If we go back into a globe, you can see that this line is not shortest route.