Translation of "Impérieux" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Impérieux" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il voit les cieux sereins ; et, du haut de la poupe, / d'un signe impérieux il avertit sa troupe. / Nous partons, nous fuyons, nous volons sur les eaux, / et déployons aux vents les ailes des vaisseaux.

Far away / he sees the firmament all calm and clear, / and from the stern gives signal. We obey, / and shifting camp, set sail and tempt the doubtful way.

Mais un bruit menaçant vient alarmer son âme : / un jour doit s'élever, des cendres de Pergame, / un peuple, de sa ville orgueilleux destructeur, / et du monde conquis vaste dominateur : / du sort impérieux tel est l'ordre suprème.

- But she had heard that an offspring, led by Trojan blood, would one day overturn the Tyrian citadels; from this would come a nation ruling widely and proud in war, for the destruction of Libya: thus the Fates spun out their destiny.
- But she had heard, how men of Trojan seed / those Tyrian towers should level, how again / from these in time a nation should proceed, / wide-ruling, tyrannous in war, the bane / (so Fate was working) of the Libyan reign.