Translation of "Culprit" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Culprit" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

(English) Dehumanizing the other is an insidious culprit.

Deshumanizar al otro es un crimen insidioso.

They arrested the culprit around six months later.

Arrestaron al culpable unos seis meses después.

None of them would admit to being the culprit.

Ninguno de ellos confesaría su culpabilidad.

If America knows Muslims as terrorists, we are the culprit!

Si Estados Unidos conoce a los musulmanes como terroristas, ¡nosotros somos los culpables!

You can not solve your doubts until you face the culprit.

No podrás resolver tus dudas hasta que enfrentes al culpable.

The principal said every student will be punished if the culprit does not reveal themselves.

La directora dijo que todos los alumnos serán castigados si no aparece el culpable.

- None of them would admit to being the culprit.
- None of them would admit their guilt.

Ninguno de ellos confesaría su culpabilidad.