Translation of "Surf" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Surf" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I can't surf.

Eu não sei surfar.

Tom took surf lessons.

Tom fez aulas de surfe.

Tom taught me how to surf.

Tom me ensinou a surfar.

I surf the Net more frequently at home.

Acesso a Internet com mais frequência em casa.

- I like to surf the internet.
- I like surfing on the internet.

Eu gosto de navegar na Internet.

Far off is seen, above the billowy mere, / Trinacrian AEtna, and the distant roar / of ocean and the beaten rocks we hear, / and the loud burst of breakers on the shore; / high from the shallows leap the surges hoar, / and surf and sand mix eddying.

Emergindo das águas, na distância, / o monte Etna trinácrio distinguimos; / e já de longe o frêmito tremendo / percebemos: o estrondo do entrechoque / das ondas com os rochedos, que se espalha / até à costa, o som das vagas remexendo / e fazendo saltar a areia nos baixios.

- They press down upon the sea and stir it up from the lowest depths, East and South and Southwest winds as one, thick with tempests, they roll the vast waves to the shores. There follows the shouting of men and the shrieking of ropes.
- East, West and squally South-west, with a roar, / swoop down on Ocean, and the surf and sand / mix in dark eddies, and the watery floor / heave from its depths, and roll huge billows to the shore. / Then come the creak of cables and the cries / of seamen.

Investem pelo mar ao mesmo tempo, / e todo o agitam desde as profundezas, / Euro, Noto, Áfrico e sua corte de procelas, / arremessando imensas vagas para as praias. / Levanta-se o clamor dos navegantes. / O cordame estridula.