Translation of "Meats" in Portuguese

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Meats" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom only eats lean meats and vegetables.

O Tom só come carnes e verduras.

He went, and brought, and gave them to his mother. She dressed meats, such as she knew his father liked.

Ele foi pegar os cabritos para a mãe, e ela preparou um assado saboroso como o pai gostava.

She said to her son Jacob: I heard thy father talking with Esau, thy brother, and saying to him: Bring me of thy hunting, and make me meats that I may eat, and bless thee in the sight of the Lord, before I die.

E Rebecca disse ao filho Jacó: Olha, ouvi teu pai dizer a teu irmão Esaú: "Traze-me uma caça e prepara-me um assado saboroso para eu comer e te abençoar diante do Senhor antes de minha morte".

Isaac had scarce ended his words, when, Jacob being now gone out abroad, Esau came, and brought in to his father meats, made of what he had taken in hunting, saying: Arise, my father, and eat of thy son's venison; that thy soul may bless me.

Isaac tinha acabado de abençoar a Jacó e este acabava de sair de junto do pai, quando seu irmão Esaú voltou da caçada. Também ele preparou um bom prato e o trouxe para o pai. E lhe disse: Levanta-te, por favor, meu pai, e come da caça de teu filho, a fim de que tua alma me abençoe.

Then he said: Bring me the meats of thy hunting, my son, that my soul may bless thee. And when they were brought, and he had eaten, he offered him wine also, which after he had drunk, he said to him: Come near me, and give me a kiss, my son.

Isaac continuou: "Serve-me, meu filho, para eu comer da caça e te abençoar". Jacó o serviu e ele comeu. Trouxe-lhe também vinho, e ele bebeu. Disse-lhe depois Isaac: "Aproxima-te, meu filho, e beija-me".

And he said to them: This is what the Lord hath spoken: To morrow is the rest of the sabbath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work is to be done, do it; and the meats that are to be dressed, dress them; and whatsoever shall remain, lay it up until the morning.

Disse-lhes Moisés: Eis o que o Senhor ordenou: Amanhã é sábado, dia de repouso consagrado ao Senhor. Assai o que quiserdes assar e cozinhai o que quiserdes cozinhar, e o que sobrar fique como reserva para o dia seguinte.

The chief baker seeing that he had wisely interpreted the dream, said: I also dreamed a dream, that I had three baskets of meal upon my head: And that in one basket which was uppermost, I carried all meats that are made by the art of baking, and that the birds ate out of it.

Ouvindo o padeiro-mor essa interpretação favorável, disse a José: Eu também tive um sonho. Sonhei que estava carregando sobre a cabeça três cestas de pão branco. Na cesta de cima, havia toda sorte de gulodices preparadas pelos padeiros para o faraó, e as aves vinham comer dessas comidas.

And the river shall bring forth an abundance of frogs; which shall come up and enter into thy house, and thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the houses of thy servants, and to thy people, and into thy ovens, and into the remains of thy meats. And the frogs shall come in to thee, and to thy people, and to all thy servants.

O rio fervilhará de rãs. Elas sairão do rio e penetrarão em teu palácio, no teu quarto de dormir e saltarão sobre teu leito; invadirão as casas dos ministros e do povo e penetrarão até nos fornos e nas amassadeiras. Saltarão sobre ti, sobre teus ministros e sobre todo o povo.