Translation of "Neighbours  " in Polish

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Examples of using "Neighbours  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

The three neighbours helped each other.

Troje sąsiadów pomogło sobie wzajemnie.

- They are neighbours.
- They are neighbors.

Oni są sąsiadami.

We've been neighbours for more than 10 years.

Jesteśmy sąsiadami od ponad 10 lat.

Well, we're neighbours. I'll be popping over all the time.

Jesteśmy przecież sąsiadami. Będę często wpadał.

- What are the neighbors doing?
- What are the neighbours doing?

Co robią sąsiedzi?

- We don't know our neighbors.
- We don't know our neighbours.

Nie znamy naszych sąsiadów.

- What will the neighbors think?
- What will the neighbours think?

Co pomyślą sąsiedzi?

- He doesn't greet his neighbours.
- He doesn't greet his neighbors.

On się nie kłania swoim sąsiadom.

- We went to see our neighbours.
- We went to see our neighbors.

Poszliśmy zobaczyć się z sąsiadami.

- He is one of my neighbours.
- He is one of my neighbors.

- On jest jednym z moich sąsiadów.
- Jest jednym z moich sąsiadów.

Tom's having a lot of problems with noisy neighbours in his new apartment.

Tomek ma wiele problemów z hałaśliwymi sąsiadami w swoim nowym mieszkaniu.

- Our neighbours were forced to sell their house.
- Our neighbors were forced to sell their house.

Nasi sąsiedzi zostali zmuszeni do sprzedaży domu.

- She is always finding fault with her neighbors.
- All she does is point fingers at the neighbours.

Ona wiecznie ma coś za złe sąsiadom.

- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- They're on good terms with their neighbors.
- They've been on good terms with their neighbors.

Są w dobrych stosunkach z sąsiadami.

- While they were away on holiday, their neighbours looked after the dog.
- While they were away on vacation, their neighbors looked after the dog.

Kiedy byli na urlopie, psem opiekowali się sąsiedzi.

The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War.

Unię Europejską utworzono po to, aby położyć kres krwawym wojnom, wybuchającym często pomiędzy sąsiadującymi krajami, z których najstraszliwszą była II Wojna Światowa.

- They are on good terms with their neighbors.
- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- They're on good terms with their neighbors.
- They've been on good terms with their neighbors.

Są w dobrych stosunkach z sąsiadami.